You work really hard to be successful in business.
You’ve listened to all the experts and created the vision, put in the long hours, taken the risks, bit the bullet, slayed the dragons, kept your eye on the ball, hit your goals and made the money. It’s been a bumpy road but you beat the odds, survived the economic downturns, and stayed the course despite all the obstacles. Right now you should be happily basking in the glow of your success and loving life, right? But you’re not. Pushing so hard toward business success has taken its toll on other areas of your life.
– Relationships have suffered
– You’ve developed unhealthy coping strategies
– You feel unfulfilled
– You’re not sure you have the desire to keep pushing forward
– Somedays you wonder what the point of all this really is
– You’ve lost sight of who you really are and what’s really important
Sound familiar?
You are definitely NOT alone.
Many successful business owners and leaders face these issues.
The good news is that you can move through these issues and come out happier, more fulfilled AND more successful on the other side.
My name is Melanie Yost and I am a Personal Development Coach for stressed out Business Owners, Independent Professionals and Industry Leaders who know how to be successful in business but are struggling in other important areas of their life. For almost 30 years, I have helped people recognize and change the thoughts, feelings and belief patterns that keep them feeling stuck and unfulfilled.
I teach my clients the skills they need to understand, manage and shift the emotional energy in and around them. These skills allow them to improve communication, build stronger relationships, feel happier and more satisfied, and have a lot more fun in their everyday life. As a result, they are able to gain clarity on their priorities, see possibilities, and take advantage of opportunities so they can create life on their own terms. Read more about who my clients are and who we work together
Melanie encouraged me to pry myself off the carousel horse and stop going around in circles. Now I can really see how unhealthy and stagnant my life had become–no wonder I was so miserable underneath the facade!
Thanks to Melanie, I am moving ahead with new dreams and a peaceful, positive attitude. I used to wake up with a feeling of dread; now I wake up truly happy to greet the day. If you think this kind of change is impossible for you, you owe it to yourself to give Melanie a try. She is an amazing listener, a straightforward advisor, and a coaching genius. Melanie Yost saved my life, and she can give you the tools and map to change yours!
From the first meeting I had with Melanie I knew my life and my business were about to change. I began talking with her about the goals I had for my business and within a few minutes she started asking questions that opened my eyes to what was missing and gave me clarity for my future.
The Alchemy of Happiness
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