Are you a High Achiever who wants to get the most out of your business and your life but you are making yourself crazy trying to have it all?
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Do you feel like you are plowing through every day at 100 miles an hour while trying to keep thousands of plates spinning at the same time? |
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Do the people in your business and personal life look to you for support and leadership . . . even when you feel like you are barely hanging on and doing everything you can to just put one foot in front of the other? |
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Do you hear yourself saying things like “I’ll be happy when . . . |
- my business takes off . . .
- I get a better job . . .
- my kids are sleeping through the night . . .
- I reach this deadline . . .
- things calm down . . .
- my divorce is final . . .
- (insert future scenario here)?”
If you answered “YES” to most of these questions,
you are NOT alone!!
Most high achievers are tightly wound. . . . fiercely self-reliant, constantly pushing themselves, striving for success and relentlessly pursuing goals. But no matter how hard you push, you just aren’t getting what you want, you aren’t having much fun and happiness always feels elusive and just out of reach. And when you do reach a goal, instead of celebrating and allowing yourself to marinate in the good feelings and roll around in the joy of accomplishment, you check it off the list, set another goal (or five) and get right back in the game of pursuing, pushing and striving.
We set goals and chase after people, things and experiences because we think they will make us happy.
Don’t believe me? Look at all your goals and everything on your “I’d like to have that” list. Ask yourself why you want to do, be or have that? How will doing, being or having each thing change your current reality?
If you keep asking “why”, I guarantee that the answer is because you think doing, being or having those things will make you feel better and be happier than you are right now.
Go ahead and do that right now . . . I’ll wait 😀
Happiness doesn’t have to be something out in the future that you constantly have to chase and pursue.
You can be Happy NOW!
Sound too good to be true?
Trust me, it’s not!
How do I know?
I’m glad you asked!
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For a quarter of a century, I have been helping people recognize the thoughts, feelings and belief patterns that are keeping them stuck and empowering them to create life on their own terms. I can do that because my gift is in hearing the internal conflicts that are preventing people from doing, being or having what they want.
![]() ~Tracey Houck, Esquire |
![]() ~Walter Bouchard, Wealth Manager |
![]() Working with Melanie has literally transformed my business. I am not sure I would still be in business if I hadn’t made the decision to work with her. I really like her approach of addressing the whole person and business together – addressing blocks to progress within me AND in my business. ~Cathy Kwan |
Over the last two and a half decades, I have empowered hundreds, if not thousands, of people to break the patterns that are keeping them stuck, take control of their lives and learn how to choose happiness in the here and now . . . even when their current reality “sucks”.
Now I want to help you learn how to do the same.
That’s why I created:
This is a 3 day intensive experiential retreat where we dive deep, have fun and learn the science and magic behind being happy NOW.
Alchemy is a delightful mixture of science and magic. It is a process that turns trash into treasure . . . tragedy into triumph . . . mistakes into golden opportunities.
The Alchemy of Happiness involves
3 important steps.
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Recognize: The first step in any change process is to recognize where you really are and what is going on in your inner reality that is creating the circumstances that are showing up in your outer reality. Starting in utero and continuing on into adolescence, we readily absorb the thoughts, feelings and beliefs of the significant people around us. These are sucked right into our unconscious like a sponge and form the foundation for our world view. Our world view is the filter through which we understand and interact with everybody and everything. Most of us are not even aware of our world view and the influence it has over our “reality”. I will help you identify your limiting beliefs, negative thought patterns and how you are blocking yourself from getting what you want. |
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Release: The next step in the change process is to release the thoughts, beliefs, stories and behaviors that you have created that no longer serve you. Recognizing the stories and negative beliefs is not enough. I have met many people that know what their destructive beliefs are, but continue to entertain them and engage with them. They stay stuck. I will teach you specific techniques to shift your thoughts and release the energy associated with such negative patterns. |
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Reset: The third step is to reset your thinking and create healthy patterns and positive stories. This is an essential step in changing your happiness set point because you can’t take something away without replacing it with something else. Have you ever noticed how hard it is to give up a bad habit if you are not replacing it with another healthier habit?
You must make careful, conscious choices during this process or you will inevitably reattach to the old beliefs or create equally unproductive stories and negative thoughts. The energy of your thoughts is stored in the cells of your body. When you release it, it leaves a void that must be filled. If you don’t consciously choose how to fill that void, lasting change will not happen. I will teach you how to consciously shift your energy, change your thoughts and replace your behaviors so that you can choose happiness no matter what is going on around you. |
![]() Melanie also gave us a set of useful tools, from how to recognize and change your story to specific techniques that you can incorporate into everyday life. I’d definitely recommend this experience to anyone at any stage of life, and I’d especially recommend the program to anyone who doesn’t live in the town where it’s held. You’ll want to be free to immerse yourself in the program and enjoy the beauty and tranquility of the farm. It’s truly unique. ~Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D. |
The workshop was organized perfectly! The first day helped me realize where I was coming from and why I thought I needed to be the way I was in my dealings with everyone. The second day with the horses was eye-opening and showed me crystal clear exactly how I come across- and made me want to alter some things I do! And the third day was like “ahah! I can do this!” You showed us “how” to change the behaviors we wanted- not just that we “should” change them! Thank you for the most memorable weekend in a long time and lots of take-aways that will help me become an even more successful entrepreneur, mom and wife! ~Diane Cooke |
![]() After three days of self-analysis and discovery I was able to hone in on what I needed to do to finally bring peace back to my home, work life and interpersonal relationships. My favorite part was working with the horses. I was able to practice what I learned about directing my energies with two horses that completely stole my heart. I now have the tools I need to start each day grounded and bring myself back to a calm state when things start to get out of control. Thank you Melanie! I will never forget that weekend and look forward to continuing my journey of happiness in the moment. Amy Simpson Owner of Simpatico Design Studios |
![]() Melanie’s teaching, the collaboration with other attendees and the hands on work with the ‘gentle giants (the horses) helped us all to stretch, grow and strengthen our spirits and souls more than i could have anticipated. This program is a “must DO” for anyone wanting to break through to higher levels and live life more fully! Walter Bouchard Wealth Manager and Owner Bouchard and Associates |
For 3 days we will learn, laugh and experience ourselves in new and different ways. What makes this retreat unique is that it will be co-facilitated by HORSES.
Yep, you read that right. With the help a professional horse trainer, we will spend a full day working with and learning from our equine friends in a safe environment.
Because horses are amazingly perceptive beings. You know how they say dogs can smell fear? Well, horses can sense fear and so many other subtle displays of human emotion. Even though they have been domesticated, they still maintain much of their wild nature. And in the wild they are prey animals so they are very adept at reading energy and responding to subtle cues that we humans often miss on a conscious level. Horses are honest mirrors for what they perceive and they reflect an accurate image of how we are showing up in our relationships and our life.
Because so many of us move through our days completely unaware of the energy and signals we are sending out to others, horses are the perfect partner to honestly and clearly tell us how we are engaging in our relationships and in our life. They help us see our stories and allow us to learn how to consciously change our responses and shift our energy so we can create the outcomes we want.
Horses don’t lie. They will show you your patterns that are standing in the way of you being able to feel happy regardless of what is going on around you. If you like to rescue people and have trouble setting boundaries and saying “NO”, horses will tell you. If you have a tendency to micromanage and want to be in constant control of your environment and everything in it, horses will tell you. If you are stubborn, like to argue or need to be right, horses will tell you. If you have trouble reading energy and miss the subtle social cues from those around you, horses will tell you.
No matter what is going on with you, horses will show you your patterns more honestly and clearly than people can. AND they show you how easy it is to change your outcomes just by becoming aware of your energy and consciously shifting it.
Here’s what we are going to do:
Day 1 will be spent diving deep and recognizing the patterns, beliefs and stories that are keeping you stuck and blocking your ability to be happy in the here and now.
Day 2 will be our day with the horses (and a professional horse trainer) doing experiential exercises and processing what you learned about yourself and consciously shifting energy. All work with the horses will be done safely on the ground.
Day 3 will focus on giving you tools and techniques to release negative thoughts and energy so you can reset your beliefs and thought patterns and shift your energy to feel how you want to feel now.
3 steps in 3 days full of insight, fun, transformation and horses to help you learn the science and magic involved in being happy right now.
This retreat is for you IF:
- You feel stuck
- You have what you want but still aren’t happy
- You lack a sense of accomplishment
You dislike/hate your job or business
- You feel like you can’t keep up with all your responsibilities
- You don’t feel appreciated by those around you
- You have no time for yourself
- You feel like you are being taken for granted
- You no longer enjoy the things that you used to enjoy
- You have fantasies of leaving everything behind and driving into the sunset
- You don’t see changing your situation as an option
- You are ready for change
This retreat is NOT for you IF:
You like being stuck and spinning your wheels
- Being miserable is actually what makes you happy
- You like having other people to blame for your lack of happiness
- You are comfortable with the chaos and the crazy and see no need to change
- You are a naysayer and being right = being happy
- You have tried everything to change and nothing works
- You think your happiness depends on changing other people
If any of the above describe you, that’s cool.
No judgment . . . we’re just not a good fit.
So . . . IF
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You are ready for a positive change | ![]() |
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You want to learn how to get the most out of your business and your life without making yourself crazy in the process | |
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You are ready for more meaningful relationships | |
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You crave more fun and freedom in your life | |
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You want to be happy everyday regardless of what is going on around you. . . just because you can |
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![]() Using horses as a reflection of our energy was CRAZY amazing! They mirror us perfectly and are such effective teachers! Thank you, Melanie, for bringing this information to the world! EVERYONE needs to spend a weekend with you learning about the four types of energy. It is absolutely invaluable! ~Martha Stowe |
Working with the horses was amazing. Personally, I was a little timid of what might happen, but instead of “exposing me and all my weaknesses,” the horses exposed all my strengths! Talk about being uplifted! The third day of the workshop was packed with so many great tools to expand and grow into your best self. 3 days may seem like a long time…..but it FLEW! THANK YOU, Melanie, for having the insight to include these special animals in this most enlightening and stimulating workshop! I will never be the same! I HIGHLY recommend this workshop to one and all!! You won’t be disappointed! ~Molly Rheinholtz PT, CPT |
As any entrepreneur knows, running your own business is stressful to say the least. We work long hours, give away countless amounts of our own energy and usually have very little left for ourselves. This workshop opened my eyes to the fact that in order for me to continue to run my own business I had to really take care of my own emotional energy. The best part of this workshop, besides the horses, was the practical, everyday tools that I took away from it. I found an almost instant clarity when I began to work on managing and even increasing my own emotional energy. Since the workshop I have been able to steady myself and excel in situations that would have thrown me off for days before. Working with the horses was not only eye opening but extremely cathartic. These amazing animals are mirrors of our true emotional selves. Being able to confront things that I was scared to confront and to find out that I am able to rise above them was life enhancing. As a result of this workshop my vision for my business has been clarified, but more importantly my vision for my life is now a forethought and not an afterthought. I would recommend this workshop to any entrepreneur or any person who is ready to work on themselves to have a healthier and ultimately happier balance in life. ~Kristin Gartner LPC, NCC |
~Courtney Graham-Robbins |
Then come spend 3 days with me:
April 17 – 19, 2020
The investment for this level of intensive transformational experience is only $595
Which includes: a light breakfast every morning, a workbook and
a surprise or two.
The horses and I look forward to seeing you there!
P.S. If you have questions about this retreat, feel free to send them to me Melanie (at) MelanieYost (dot) com.