I had a friend who used to say, “If you want something done, give it to a busy person”. She’s right. I believe that time management is really self management. When I am busy and have more tasks than I have time to do them, I am AMAZED at how productive I am and how much I accomplish.
The last few weeks have been scheduled with back to back tasks and activities that had to get done in my life and in my business. I have felt very accomplished and productive . . . and exhausted. Many of the activities I have been doing are a lot fun, and they require a lot of energy for me to complete them . . . creating and teaching a 3 part webinar, speaking, hosting, a half day workshop and providing a half day intensive for a client (just to name a few).
As an introvert, part of managing myself is managing my energy. When I know a task or activity takes a lot of energy, I plan a recovery period afterward. The last few weeks have been so busy that I have not been able to plan my recovery times in the way that best support me. Instead, I have to “suck it up” and move on to the next task. I can do that for a short time when I have to, but I know that if I keep ignoring my need to rest and recharge, I will crash and burn in a serious way. I’ve done it before, it’s not pretty and it doesn’t serve anyone at all.
Do you know what I’m talking about? If you are an introvert who pushes yourself to take action to reach your goals, you probably do. That’s how burnout happens. When you don’t listen to your body and respect how you are wired, you will burn out.
So this week, I found an hour and a half in my schedule I wasn’t expecting. I had a whole list of “to do” items I could use that time to complete. Instead, I gave myself permission to do something for me. I gave myself permission to rest. Thinking about what would recharge me and reground me, I decided to invite my husband to breakfast. We had a wonderful time connecting over a leisurely meal sharing uninterrupted conversation about our goals for the coming months.
Giving myself permission to rest without feeling guilty allowed the latter part of my day (and the next day) go so much smoother. Sounds like a no brainer, right? Well, how often do you ignore your need for down time and keep pushing yourself from one task to the next until you are at the point of overwhelm and exhaustion? Or struggle to enjoy your down time because you are torturing yourself with all the things that you “should” be doing?
Self management means that you balance what needs to be done with taking care of yourself so that you have the energy and focus to get it all done. Give yourself permission to rest without feeling guilty. Resting can be a nap, meditation, a walk, coffee with a friend . . . whatever recharges you. When rest time is over, you will be so much more productive.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this subject and how you recharge. Please post your comments below.
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